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Intuitive Energy Healing

A definition of healing: 

‘A treatment that involves the transfer of energy through the healer to the recipient. It promotes self-healing by relaxing the body, releasing tensions and strengthening the body’s own immune system. Healing is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bringing the recipient into a state of balance and well-being on all levels’ 


Spiritual healing is not linked to a particular religion. It is not faith healing – even very skeptical people can be healed. 


The word ‘spiritual’ originates from the Latin word ‘spiritus’ meaning ‘breath of life’. The spiritual aspect refers to spiritual energy working at a deep level on our spiritual being. The healing involves the transfer of energy; in other words, it is not from the healer him or herself, but the healer links with ‘Universal’ or ‘Divine’ energy to channel healing for the mind, body and spirit. 


Components of healing: 


  • Universal energy or spiritual force (non-religious) can be directed by intention 

  • When focused on the human body, via the aura (human energy field), it raises the ‘spiritual vibrations’ of that person 

  • This improves health and allows one’s highest nature to unfold 

  • When people are ill, it is common for them to say that they are ‘low in energy’; conversely when people are healthy, we talk about them bursting with energy. 

  • For optimum healing, repeated treatments are needed to overcome the body’s inertia. Often, 6-8 sessions may be required to bring about improvement, especially for those with long-term conditions. 


What is Intuitive Energy Healing?

Intuitive energy healing is an approach to holistic healing that allows the practitioner to access their own deep meditative state, accessing an altered state of consciousness through the alpha-theta and delta brain waves, making it easier to receive intuitive information about a clients’ health or life situation. 
The practitioner then works with and through God to assist the client in transforming and changing the emotions, beliefs and energies that are contributing to their current imbalance. Intuitive energy healing can be used for creating physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental healing.


How Intuitive Energy Healing Works

The intuitive energy healing practitioner uses a self-guided meditation to put herself into a slowed brainwave state (altered state of perception) in a matter of seconds.  From this meditative state the practitioner is able to connect to the Superconscious or Divine Mind of God, Divine Source, etc.
It is from this place of total and complete connection to the Divine that the practitioner is able to access and give an intuitive or psychic reading for the client. It is during this reading that the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual elements related to the current issue at hand for the client may be intuitively received. 


Instantly Change Your Beliefs

Your beliefs are the matrix upon which your entire reality lies. Beliefs are the energy that underlies the creation of your thoughts, your thoughts are what create your feelings, and your feelings are what create your actions and behaviors. A large part of the intuitive energy healing approach deals with this very matrix—the ‘secret’ of instantly changing your beliefs has the power to change your life! Doing belief work therefore is what I call the "Secret Behind "The Secret".


The Secret Behind the Secret

What the movie “The Secret” teaches us what is actually an ancient wisdom that sates that our thoughts and feelings are what create our reality. While this is largely very much true there is an element that is missing in this picture. This element is what I call the "Secret behind the Secret" whose answer lies in the changing of the very substance which creates our thoughts and feelings: the belief matrix.
Since it is your beliefs which underlie everything you think, feel, and do it is most effective to start here when seeking to change a behavior or pattern. 
Belief work is therefore the way to unify yourself and bring your thoughts and feelings into alignment. Intuitive Healing is an incredible tool that allows us to change our beliefs instantly. From belief work alone, you will begin to change the very matrix of your reality from the source of its creation.


Muscle Testing or Energy Testing

Your intuitive healing practitioner will use energy testing or muscle testing to check for the existence of the limiting belief patterns. Muscle testing is a simple technique which is used to effectively check the subconscious mind of the client to see if the limiting belief is present.


Download Feelings and Programs

Another big part of intuitive healing techniques are the downloading of certain feelings and programs from the Creator. Downloading feelings and programs assist the client in being able to fully accept the new belief by instantly teaching them what it feels like to have that belief. 
For instance, the practitioner might ask God or Source to instill he belief of “I am rich” into the client, but if the client has never known what it feels like to be rich it is unlikely the belief will hold. It might just not go in altogether. So, the feeling work allows the client to instantly have the feeling of what it feels like to be rich on the cellular level. It is then possible for the client to more easily accept the new belief of “I am rich” on the subconscious level. 


The Role of the Intuitive Healing Practitioner: Witnessing

What I love about this technique is that God/Source/Universe is the prime mover. The role of the practitioner is just to make the request, or what are called decrees or command prayers, and then witness the changes as done. The act of witnessing is integral in bringing the healing into fruition, however it is God that does the actual work. 
This is quite different from many other modalities that rely heavily on the intentions of the healer to move and manipulate the energy of their own accord. In intuitive healing, the healer accesses the highest vibration available, that of Unconditional Love, or God, Universe, Divine Source, etc. 


The Seven Elevations of Consciousness

One metaphysical understanding of the structure of reality are the Seven Planes of Existence or the Seven Elevations of Consciousness. In reality all the planes are one manifestation of the one reality, however the concept of the Seven Elevations is useful in understanding how intuitive healing works and why it is different from and sometimes more effective than other modalities.


12 Strand DNA and the DNA Activation

For decades scientists have thought we had only 2 strands of useful DNA. They coined the other 10 strands "Junk DNA" simply because they were unable to determine the function or purpose of these 10 additional strands. Science is now confirming that these strands may very well have a purpose.
For spiritual healers this "Junk" DNA has a crucial purpose! The activation of the 12 strands of DNA prepares our bodies for the next stage of evolution here on the earth plane. 
The DNA activation advances our inherent intuitive and psychic abilities and also aids our bodies in ridding itself of the many toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis in this modern age. With the DNA activated we also then have the ability to slow the aging process by activating what is known as the Youth and Vitality Chromosome. The Youth and Vitality Chromosome are the true "Fountain of Youth" found where else but within our very own DNA!


Clear Negative Energy

The intuitive healing technique is also effective at clearing negative energy and influences from the body as well as from inanimate objects such as homes and buildings. Wayward spirits, psychic hooks, cords, entities, and other energetic influences can cause problems in our day to day life. What is worse is that we may not even be aware that these “unseen” energetic things are affecting us. 
It is also possible to pull radiation and other environmental toxins from the body using a similar process. Your practitioner will scan your energetic field and clear you of any of these things should they be present. Physical Healings and Viewing Inside the Body: Medical Intuitive


Intuitive energy healing can also be used to create physical healings as well. 

The healer uses the same connection to God accessed through the altered state of perception to witness changes on the physical body. By viewing inside the body and communicating with the different organ systems the practitioner is able to gain insight and information about what may be going on with the client’s physical health. When you hear the term, medical intuitive (see Medical Intuitive: the art of seeing)
Usually belief work will precede and/or follow a physical healing to ensure that the client has positive beliefs about accepting and maintaining the healthy state.


Manifesting Abundance

Intuitive energy healing is also a wonderful tool to use when you seek to manifest more abundance in your life. Whether it be financial abundance, finding a soul mate, manifesting a better job, etc. the manifesting and abundance technique in Theta Healing is quite powerful. Belief and feeling work are usually integrated with the manifesting abundance technique which is easy to learn and use


Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and The Deceased

The intuitive energy healing techniques can be used to contact your guardian angels, spirit guides, or deceased relatives. Sometimes these beings will automatically show up during a healing session if God sends them as a necessary part of your healing. 
In spiritual healing we always access the energy of Unconditional Love (God, holy spirit, Source, etc.), before attempting to contact a guardian spirit. 


One Path Many Applications

Generally, the practitioner will be guided intuitively as to what needs to happen in a session. Typically, there is a combination of many of the branches used in each session. Because every session is completely intuitively guided each session is always different.
Because intuitive energy healing works directly with this creative force, which we understand as the creative power of God/Universe/Source, etc., the client will always get what is in their highest and best good at the time.


Belief Work

The Essence of Belief Work in Intuitive Energy Healing
Belief work in alternative energy healing allows us the ability to access the energy of creation to assist us in instantly clearing limiting beliefs.
In spiritual healing approaches we always ask God to instill a new positive belief in place of the one that was pulled. Why do we do this? Replacing an old belief with a new one is actually a very important part of the process especially when you begin to dig down deep to the bottom core beliefs. 
Because so much of our apparent reality is based upon these deep beliefs to simply pull the negative ones without instilling a positive one in its place can actually cause more harm than good. By replacing a limiting belief with a positive one we are assuring that the we begin to build positive beliefs and experiences based on Truth. 


Digging: Getting to the Bottom Belief

One of the most effective techniques to change your beliefs is by what is termed "digging". Digging is the most effective way to get to the core issue. 
Typically, everyone has a several "key" limiting beliefs that are supporting all the other ones like a house of cards. Often when the bottom belief is cleared, all the other beliefs that were being supported by it will also automatically clear. This is why digging is so important. It saves time and is more effective. 
It is easy to sit around and pull top layer beliefs--a healer could do this all day long with a client and there might be some real improvement. But without digging to the core belief, these top layer beliefs will rebuild themselves and lasting change is unlikely.


The Process of Digging

The process of "digging" is a bit like a "let’s play worst case scenario" game. The healer will gently lead the client through a series of questions until the core issue is reached. 
Usually there will be a release of emotion at this point which is indicative that the key issue has been reached. If you reach this point, this is a sign of great success so don't be afraid to let yourself go here. If you want true healing and lasting change this is right where you need to be!
By allowing Source Energy to heal this core issue for you, your life will begin to change. Old patterns will eventually begin to fade away and you will feel lighter and freer once this process has been successfully completed.
The Four Levels of Belief

Present Level Beliefs
There are four levels on which we hold our beliefs. The first level is what is termed the "Present Level". Present Level beliefs are developed throughout our lives from early childhood and into adulthood. These beliefs have to do with everything we are told about ourselves by other people, usually those we respect and admire. Parents, teachers, close friends, etc. have all had an effect on shaping who we believe we are and how we perceive our reality whether positive or negative, limiting or unlimited. Core Level beliefs are held energetically in the frontal lobe of the brain, or forehead area.

Genetic Level Beliefs
The second level beliefs are held on is the "Genetic Level". Genetic level beliefs are literally energetic imprints of beliefs from our family genetic heritage, passed down to us through the generations. It can be quite surprising to find beliefs on this level that we are not even aware that we may have! 
These energetic imprints are held as energy in the morphogenic field of the DNA, not the actual physical DNA. The morphogenic field is an energetic field around the DNA that holds and transmits information. The existence of this field and the effects it can have on is surroundings has been proven by scientific studies and written about in detail by Greg Braden in his book "The Divine Matrix".
When an individual clears beliefs on the Genetic Level, all the relations who share DNA with this individual, for up to seven generations and perhaps beyond (such as siblings and offspring) will also be cleared. Now that's efficiency! 


Collective Level Beliefs

The third level of beliefs is termed the "Collective Level". These are beliefs that the individual carries with them from past lives. If you do not believe in past lives you may then consider these beliefs as coming from what Carl Jung termed 'the collective unconscious' of humanity as a whole. These beliefs are held in the persons auric field behind the shoulders and base of the head and neck.

Soul Level Beliefs

The fourth level of beliefs is called the "Soul Level". Soul Level beliefs are the deepest layer of belief. These are the beliefs that have often been with us the longest over many lifetimes and generations. However just because they are the deepest layer of the belief levels does not necessarily make them more difficult to clear. 
Soul Level beliefs are held energetically in the central chest area around the heart chakra. When these beliefs clear the client will often feel noticeably lighter and more at peace.

A Note About the Belief Levels

It is important to note as well that not every belief is held on all of the four levels. Often a belief may only exist on one or two levels. Your practitioner will know what level your belief is held on, or you may use muscle testing to determine it on your own.

How Beliefs are Instantly Changed in Alternative Energy Healing
Belief work is a very simple process. The practitioner will go into an altered state of perception, a mild trance-like state-- and connect with God. From here she will use what are termed "commands" to request that the belief be pulled, sent to Gods light and replaced with the chosen positive belief. 
The healer then will witness the belief as energy coming out of the client on the various belief levels and then witness as the new belief goes in. Often muscle testing will be used to confirm that the change has taken place and to give confirmation to the client that it is so.
Most of the time belief work is a simple process and will happen effortlessly. However occasionally the healer will notice that the new belief does not "go in", or that it goes in but the client muscle tests negative for having the new belief. In both of these instances it is necessary to either begin digging for the bottom belief or work on downloading feelings and programs or both.


DNA Activation and the 12 Strand
DNA Reawakening
What Exactly is the 12 Strand DNA?

There is a whole lot of confusing information out there on the internet about the 12 strand DNA, what it is, how it functions, and how it can be activated. My intention here is to give you the most accurate information possible in a way that is accessible and easy to understand. 
Some of the information I am sharing with you here is s summarized from what I have found to be an accessible and reliable source on this topic, the book "Change Your DNA Change Your Life" by Robert Gerard of the DNA Healing Project. If you would like more information on his work and his discoveries on the DNA activation I highly suggest reading the book. 
I also am sharing information based on my own training and experiences with the DNA Activation as I have used and understood them throughout my holistic healing practice and training.


The 12 Strand DNA

Youth and Vitality Chromosomes
The Youth and Vitality Chromosomes are the first strands to be activated during the DNA Activation and form the foundation for the awakening of the other ten strands. The Youth and Vitality chromosomes are the archetypal chromosomes and are instrumental in assisting in awakening the additional strands to their full potential. The "Youth" chromosome is like the spiritual record keeper of your life, the "Vitality" chromosome is the key holder to unlocking the energies of the other strands of spiritual DNA.
What is DNA Activation or DNA Reawakening?
The DNA activation is a two-part process that usually takes place on two separate occasions for the recipient. However, it may also happen all at once. It depends on what the persons soul or higher self is ready for in terms of spiritual development. Sometimes the second part of the activation will happen automatically after the first part has begun.


Medical Intuitive: The Art of Seeing

What is a Medical Intuitive?
A medical intuitive is a person who has the ability to “see” inside the body and “read” the energy patterns of the physical, emotional and spiritual energies of a client. When a medical intuitive does this it is called a “reading”. 
A medical intuitive may use their skills to assist a doctor with disease diagnosis or to help suggest lifestyle changes for their clients based on the information obtained during a reading. Some medical intuitives like myself, also have the ability to facilitate healing of these energetic imbalances to create change in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
A medical intuitive may work alongside a medical doctor, psychotherapist or psychiatrist (these types of medical intuitives are usually referred to as counseling intuitives within the medical community) or work independently or both.
As a medical intuitive I use my intuitive ability to intuitively track the emotional, spiritual and psychological sources of illness and imbalance in the body. These imbalances often reveal themselves as blocked energy patterns and limiting t belief systems. I am also able to intuitively view the internal body and then read the energy of the organ systems and emotional centers. 
I then use holistic healing techniques such as energy psychology,  or other alternative energy healing practices to clear and reverse such patterns of imbalance by clearing blocked energy, instantly changing limiting beliefs and programs, or clearing old trauma held in the body mind.

How a Medical Intuitive Works

There is a lot of variation in how different medical intuitives work and how they do their readings and healings. Some medical intuitives are self-taught with no formal training in the intuitive arts, and others like myself have trained and studied under teachers of specific techniques and modalities. 
It does not necessarily make a big difference whether or not a medical intuitive has formal training but what does count in this field of holistic medicine is experience and accuracy. All the training in the world will be of no use if a medical intuitive is not accurate or well-practiced in their art. 
So how does a medical intuitive do what they do? Well, since I am mostly familiar with the way I work in the medical intuitive setting, I will keep this description focused on my personal techniques, training and modalities.


How I Work

In each session I begin by connecting to a higher power, what I call the Creator, what others may call God, Source, Spirit, The Universe, Divine Mind, Divinity, etc. This is the way I have been taught and trained to work in all my intuitive work.
The Healing Modalities of Transformation
I use a variety of holistic healing techniques in my work, all of which serve to raise and shift the consciousness of the client. Consciousness creates and heals. I am merely a channel or facilitator for the healing and transformation. The process is yours and unique to you!

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