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         Throughout our lifetime, emotions (in the form of energy) get trapped in various parts of our bodies, causing illness, pain, disease, and other similar anomalies.   As we release that stagnant energy (or detox), we begin to identify the root cause of disease and dissolve difficulties and begin to experience freedom from aches and pains, stiffness, and inflammation, just to name a few.  We think with more clarity; we feel more empowered; we feel much better about ourselves and ultimately, we have more energy. 
          Recent scientific studies have surfaced on how emotions sabotage everything from simple success to kidney failure.  The physical body falls apart because we emotionally fall apart. When we don't care for the whole self, the physical body simply mirrors those effects.  Over the course of a lifetime, emotions like fear, hopelessness, anger and confusion take their toll on the body. Repressed anger diminishes the activities of the liver, causing it to harden. Hopelessness and despair play havoc with the gall bladder. Long-standing negative emotional beliefs deteriorate the entire physical body. For true, and long-lasting healing to take effect we must look at all the systems: emotional, mental and physical and from a holistic approach, the spiritual. 

It is the spiritual body that actually does the healing, once we have strengthened the physical body and changed and released emotional issues.  Strengthening the physical body is the key to healing the other bodies.  Mental patterns, like worry, also weaken the body, and a constant string of looping words (I'm never going to get better, I'm always sick, I'm sick again, etc.) that exhaust the physical body.  Wellness of the entire being through holistic health is a whole-body approach. This method is also apparent in Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic and many other alternative therapies.
         Through the use of Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) I access your subconscious mind, find the trapped emotions and release them. This allows the energy to flow more freely and it helps your body to begin to heal itself.
         Please remember your children and pets (dogs, cats, horses), they may also have trapped emotions and imbalances which cause them to experience physical or emotional distress.
If you are ready to start the healing process by releasing your trapped emotions and clearing the imbalances? Select one of the options and I will contact you to schedule our first session. If you need help but money is a concern, we can come to an arrangement to achieve your desired results. 



My goal is for you to receive the best results.  With that in mind, I recommend starting with at least 4 sessions.  The first part of the first session is used to do an evaluation.  It is used as a measuring stick for the progress you will make


  • Hours:  Evenings/Weekends

Emotion Code Session Packages

Phone Consultation


This service is for those who are unfamiliar with this type of work and want to sample it to see what it’s all about. During this appointment we will discuss your health issue, have a brief question and answer session, and two (2) imbalance will be identified and released as a sample.  You will receive a written report of the findings.


20-Minute Consultation - $39


Emotion Code Phone/video Session


Our most popular service, designed to help get rid of the Heart-Wall, trapped emotions and correct other imbalances. Sessions can either be for working toward general wellness, or targeted to address specific physical or emotional issues. Each session may include the release or correction of trapped emotions, imbalances and recommendations. You will receive a written emailed report at the end of your phone session, detailing exactly what was done.


45-minute phone/video - $129


Phone/Video Sessions


This is designed to rid self of the Heart-Walls, trapped emotions and correct other imbalances. 45-minutes sessions can either be for working toward general wellness, or targeted to address specific physical or emotional issues. Each session may include the release or correction of trapped emotions, imbalances and recommendations. I recommend 24-48 hours between sessions. You will receive a written emailed report at the end of your phone session, detailing exactly what was done.


45-minute Sessions - 5 Pack - $529


Distance Proxy Sessions


This is a distance proxy assessment and treatment of imbalances with no appointment involved. This type of session is preferred by clients who have busy or demanding schedules. After placing your order, your session can be scheduled once I receive your in-take form, which will be sent to you. Please make sure to follow directions on the order form so I have all the information I need. These sessions are completed solely via email with no telephone appointment involved. 


One email Session - $97 


Emotion Code Email Session


Pay for 9 sessions and receive a 10th session free! If you are serious about getting rid of your trapped emotions as well as dealing with other imbalances you may have, this is the series for you. The body is truly like an onion, and sometimes it takes time to get to those inner layers! 


Email Session - 10 Pack - $729 


Heart-Wall Email Session


A Heart-Wall series of sessions consists of three sessions. It generally takes between two to four sessions to clear a person’s Heart-Wall. In your case, if it takes less than three sessions to clear it, I will let you know, and you can use the other two sessions to work on any other issues that you may want to address. Should it require an additional session to clear the Heart-Wall, the fourth one is free.


Email Session - 3 Pack - $229

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